Naples travel guide - Citimarks


"Naples is enthralling because every piece, fragment, or specimen mirrors the present, the past, and the future. It's not accurate to speak of a singular Naples, but rather of many cities intertwined into one."

Domenico Rea, Visite Privée, Chêne, 1991.


pulcinelle figurines eating pizza

Kingdom of pizza

Pizzas tinged by Vesuvius. Church domes rising like wedding cakes. Cherubs of a sugary porcelain skin: the spirit of food permeates every layer of this city.

Battle of spirits

In churches or on graffiti-covered walls, Naples, a land of superstition, venerates benevolent spirits to ward off evil. From San Gennaro to Maradona, their saints are made of flesh and blood.

Jungle town

“Red lights are dangerous, only if you respect them,” noted a Naples connoisseur. As the driver navigated the city’s urban jungle, I clutched the door handle with all my might…

Under the balcony

Neapolitans live life outdoors: on balconies adorned with hanging laundry, around open house doors, and along streets with chairs arranged in a row. The entire city is their home.


Nice at sunset
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